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15 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

Published : Mar 15, 2021 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 21, 2024

1. Start your day with a cup of coffee

Coffee can help you kick-start your day and uplift your mood quite instantly. If that doesn't work for you, green tea is a good start too.

2. Get a journal to track your gratitude and achievements:

Make sure to include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish daily.

3. Set up a getaway:

It could be a long drive on a weekend with your friends or an overnight trekking or camping plan that you always wanted to do. The act of planning a vacation lets you have something to look forward to and can significantly boost your overall happiness for several weeks to come.

4. Work on your strengths:

Do something you're good at and build your self-confidence. Take one thing at a time and tackle a tougher task next.

5. Experiment and then improvise:

It could be a new recipe, writing a poem, or even painting. Creative expression has been linked overall well-being of an individual.

6. Treat yourself to some dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate is known to be rich in flavonoids and caffeine that work together to improve alertness and mental skills.

7. Spend some time with a furry friend:

Time with animals can lower your stress hormones and boost your happiness. If you don't have a pet, hang out with a friend who does or visit a dog café if you want.

8. Be a tourist in your town:

When you open yourself as if you're a child again you experience newer dimensions of existing things around you.

9. Remember :

'You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.'

Martin Luther King, Jr.

10. Laugh out Loud:

Take some time out and hang out with a funny friend, or watch a comedy show. Laughter helps in reducing anxiety.

11. Go off the grid:

Your mental health is your responsibility and so if you think it's getting too much, take some time out for yourself. Keep your smartphone away and disconnect from every other interruption. Invest time in doing something more fun.

12.Take 30 minutes off and go for a walk in nature:

The easiest thing you could do is take a stroll in the park. Being around nature will refresh your mind and improve your energy levels.

13. Make sure you're out in the sun, at least for 15 minutes in the morning:

Vitamin D is believed to be a great mood lifter. Therefore, make sure to get at least 15 minutes of sunshine in the morning before 10 am. Post that, the sun can be harmful to the body.

14. Practice Forgiveness:

Holding on to resentment only makes you bitter in the long run. Therefore, every once in a while practice to let go of things and start on a fresh note.

15. Ending this on a bring note:

'What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when you bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.

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