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Amino Acid Types and Their Role in Bodybuilding

Published : Apr 16, 2018 1 mins read Updated On : Nov 15, 2024

Amino Acid Types and Their Role in Bodybuilding - Amino acids are termed as, 'building blocks' for muscles physiologically and they are building units for proteins chemically. Muscle growth depends on numerous factors including hormones, supplements, nutrients and exercise.

These factors play an indispensable role in the various physiological processes such as energy production, muscle recovery, mood elevation and improvement in the strength and endurance. As soon as you finish your workout session, body is sweating hard, at that point of time blood rushes with great pace especially towards your muscles.

Muscles in that case, if supplemented with free amino acids or more precisely Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), will grow in size because of increased protein synthesis in the muscles. Besides, amino acids act as a source of energy. While your workout session is ongoing or about to start, amino acids alone act as a direct source of power and strength.

Amino acids plays an important role in bodybuilding. Therefore amino acids are the top most preference for professional bodybuilders.

  • Tryptophan increases tolerance to pain during intense exercises
  • Branched chain amino acids, (leucine, Isoleucine and valine) improve the level of physical and mental performance while exercise
  • Glutamine another amino acid, promotes the muscle glycogen synthesis and enhances the muscular strength.
  • Glutamine increases the muscle mass.
  • Glutamine supplementation increases lean muscle mass and endurance.
  • Aspartate enhances the exercise performance by improving the endurance.
  • Arginine improves the exercise capacity of the Gym Freak
  • Ornithine, Arginine and lysine, they increase muscle mass and strength
  • Tyrosine has positive effects on muscle strength, endurance and exercise power.
  • Taurine supplementation increases the stroke volume during recovery after exercise.
  • Methionine helps to metabolize fat content in the body.

Amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue and proteins. They improve body's ability to synthesize proteins and build muscle mass after quite remarkably. Leucine, isoleucine and valine are quite important and should be provided in the form of health supplement.

Amino acids help to perform beyond your skills. Not only they supply energy to your muscles but they do also improve muscle strength, stamina, and endurance and muscle power. Hence, these are quite effective as the dietary supplements.

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