Ask any health expert a way to stay fit, healthy and stay away from developing chronic disease, they will tell you to include more greens to include in diet. Despite the importance of greens people do not consume greens on regular basis. Usually Supergreens and Superfoods are rich source of Vitamins, Minerals, fibers, antioxidant and other essential nutrients.
One way to increase the intake of green is by adding green supplement on regular basis. The green powder can be added into variety of ways like in oats, smoothies, liquid refreshment, ice cream, fudges and topping and in many other way as well.
When it comes to greens there are many health benefits associated with the same
Vitamins and Minerals are essential nutrient that play critical part in various functions. Adequate intake of Vitamins and minerals is required for optimal health. They play important role in bone and muscle function, wound healing, immunity, energy conversion and repair cellular damage.
When it comes to greens, they are rich source of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are nutrients from plant that are necessary for prevention of disease and sustaining human life. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well. They also help in detoxification, removal of toxins and boosts immunity.
Super greens are excellent source of fiber. Fibers play important role in improving bowel movement, aids weight loss, lowers cholesterol level, helps to control blood sugar levels. Fiber deficiency in det may lead to colon cancer development. Fiber also helps to reduce risk of cancer and diabetes as it helps to remove toxins from the body.
Antioxidant consumption helps to reduce risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Antioxidant scavenge free radicals in the body that damage cells and prevents or reduces damage caused by oxidation.
As per Donald Yance in the book Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer Super greens aids in heaing tissue. Chlorophyll extracts helps to stimulate growth of new skin tissue in wounds. Also Alfalfa powder helps to reduce damaged tissue caused by radiotherapy.
Fast&Up Active Greens is unique combination of super greens and superfoods with immunity booster's. Active green is designed with 4 pure and standardized blend like Alkalizing Blend, Detox Blend, Antioxidant Blend and Cellular defense blend that helps to fight acidity, cleans and aid digestion, boosts and immunity and protects against infectious agents.
Fast&Up ActiveGreen is unique that it has high scoop size of 7g, it is unflavored, scientifically proven and clinically tested ingredients, no added sweetener or additives and recommended by nutritionist.