No doubt you're ramping up your race-season and including a plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and energized for every run planned to achieve your running goals. One of the basic tenets of a good nutrition program and general health is hydration. Optimal hydration is a must for any athlete or for anyone with running goals. Electrolytes produce electrical impulses in the body. Electrolytes are vitally important to a number of biochemical processes, including balanced blood chemistry, healthy blood pressure, and the proper functioning of muscles, nerves and heart.
Summer is a great time to be active and hydration should be an important consideration during running. Many people are aware of how dehydration occurs and the risks that it poses, however; over-hydration can also occur, which is known as hyponatremia. During running, the body maintains an optimal temperature by sweating. Besides containing water, sweat also contains electrolytes, in particular sodium. When sweat loss is high, which generally occurs during the warmer months, both water and sodium need to be replaced to re-establish normal total body water. In some cases, the rate of sweat loss may be quite low, and can be potentially dangerous, if one drinks at rates which are far greater than the loss of sweat. This can dilute the level of sodium in the blood, which can cause a range of symptoms including; headaches, vomiting and in severe cases, death.
Hydration is something many of us take for granted, but it is even more important the more active we are. Staying hydrated during your run starts long before you hit the road. To be properly hydrated for running, you need to be drinking consistently during the day, not just a sip here and there. Being hydrated before, during, and after a run will help keep your body cool during a run, lubricate your muscles so that they don't cramp, and help you metabolize the calories you take in before and/or during that run. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration will cause you to run slower than you would if you were hydrated. This lowers your running performance. On top of running slower you may experience physical symptoms such as side stitches, muscle cramping, nausea, headaches, and fatigue. We have all been there at one time or another and it's not fun!
Athletes at all levels often train more than once a day, which means they need to have an adequate hydration between sessions. Most people who take their training seriously are now aware that ingestion of fluids is crucial to maintaining performance. Hydration is imperative for optimal performance for all athletes. When an athlete is adequately hydrated, their body is able to transport nutrients and oxygen to working muscles and aid muscle repair, remove lactic acid build up, eliminate nitrogenous waste and regulate body temperature. Any time a runner hits the road, track, or trail to perform in a race or training session, the need to properly hydrate becomes an issue that will influence the quality of the effort. The evaporation of sweat from the skin's surface is a powerful cooling mechanism to allow you to release the heat that is being produced by working muscles. The replenishment of fluid or electrolytes being lost as sweat is an important consideration for any athlete or anyone training for any activity.
Exercise creates heat, and your body must cool itself or risk heat stroke. The main way your body can cool itself down is through sweat. As sweat evaporates from your body, it takes some of the heat with it. Unfortunately, our body cannot store vast reserves of water or electrolytes. To keep up this cooling system, you must continue to consume drink with electrolytes. If your electrolyte consumption doesn't make up for what you have lost, you can experience muscle cramps, fatigue, a drop in performance, heart palpitations, light headedness or trouble focusing. Plus, the better hydrated you are, the less your heart has to work, saving energy for peak performance. Hydration is the most important aspect to look after especially if you're participating in events like Womanathon 2017,?Run For Yamuna, Run for Tapi 2017, Go Run, Purpleonheels 4K Walkathon 2nd Edition, Fitness Marathon, etc. which are 3K, 5K, 6K, 10K, 21K, 42K; wherein Hydration becomes a vital and an indispensable part of your training to overcome the challenges to be faced.
Hydration during running is not as complicated as you may have been led to believe When you run, you sweat. The more you sweat, the more your blood volume decreases. The more your blood volume decreases, the harder your heart has to work to deliver oxygen to your working muscles. The two main factors influencing early fatigue and impaired performance (both physical and mental) in all types of sports and exercise are depletion of body levels of carbohydrate (CHO) and/or fluid. Maintaining adequate CHO and fluid intake optimizes training benefit by enabling athletes to train harder and for longer, and can make a difference between winning and losing. Runners experience dehydration levels sufficient to cause major health consequences. Normal levels of dehydration will make you feel uncomfortable and cause you to slow down.
Drinking while you run will limit these negative effects of dehydration. But what should you drink, how much, and when? Plain water Vs. Sport Drinks Plain water is adequate, but sports drinks offer a couple of advantages. Drinking plain water causes bloating, suppresses thirst (and thus further drinking) and stimulates urine output (therefore is inefficiently retained) - a poor choice where high fluid intake is required. Specifically, sports energy drinks replace some of the sodium and other minerals that your body loses in sweat along with water. In addition, sports drinks provide an extra energy source for your working muscles in the form of carbohydrates. Electrolytes is an important aspect to be kept into consideration for running by athletes or anyone with running goals. Supplementing yourself with the right and adequate amount of electrolytes is very important. Research has shown that sports drinks enhance performance significantly more than plain water in high-intensity and long-duration runs and races. Are you tired of your boring tablets or drinks? Throw them out and add some fizz. Now you can carry your daily supplements out of a tube and into a glass of water for a delicious daily fizz. The effectiveness of your supplement is only as good as its absorption. With effervescent tablets you get what you pay for. The effervescent tablets are more stable than the normal tablet and liquid forms of your normal supplements. If you recognize the importance of supplementing your diet to get your daily nutritional requirements, you might want to consider effervescent tablets to give your body what it needs most.
Drop one effervescent tablet in 250 ml water. Wait until the tablet completely dissolves and the drink is ready to be taken! During activity it is advised one takes 500 ml ? 1 lit of drink in an hour based on sweat loss.