Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a wonderful ingredient to add to your daily diet. Its benefits are unmatched and can help you to live a healthy and long life. It may seem a bit bitter in taste but its benefits are much sweeter and one should definitely incorporate eating it in your daily diet. With winter being a season where illnesses and colds are on rise, health benefits of Amla can help one to build a strong immunity and thereby stay disease-free throughout.
Here are 7 Healthy reasons to add Amla to your daily Diet “
Vitamin C helps build immunity is no hidden fact and Amla has it in abundance making Amla a great immunity booster. This makes it a strong agent to fight viral and bacterial ailments which can cause serious health issues.
Fighting infections comes hand in hand with building strong immunity and Amla is effective there too. Amla helps fight infectious germs that cause cold and cough especially during winters.
Another benefit of Vitamin C is that it helps strengthen the blood vessels. Being an antioxidant, it helps to purify blood in the body. Thus, having amla everyday can help you to purify your blood stream.
Amla helps strengthen the digestive system due to its alkaline nature. Amla contains anti-inflammatory properties which aids digestion and also keeps stomach problems like constipation at bay.
People who are unable to manage their weight can try having Amla as it can help you manage weight because it also aids digestion as well as aids metabolism. One can also take Amla based nutrition supplements to get benefits of Amla.
Amla may help improve your vision too due to the presence of carotene. This carotene can help you improve your eye-sight and also help you fight various eye ailments like cataracts and others by adding amla to your daily diet.
Winter season brings a lot of those body pains with itself and here too you can take the help of Indian gooseberry to relieve pain. Joint pain, aches and other discomforts can be easily tackled with the help of amla.
Amla has many more benefits apart from health benefits with it being helpful to have clear skin, healthy hairs and other. However, most of us are not ready to have it due to its bitter-sweet taste. Here is a solution to that problem “ Fast&Up Charge Plus.
Fast&Up Charge Plus is a natural immunity boosting nutrition supplement which has Amla as its main ingredient and comes in yummy Orange flavour which solves the main problem of bitter taste of Amla. Added to 1000mg of Amla extract are the ingredients like Giloy, Vitamin D3 and Zinc which further help to strengthen your immunity and provide you the extra protection needed especially during the viral and infection threats possessed by Winter. Fast&Up Charge plus helps boost immunity, helps increase resistance to harmful pathogens and promotes general well-being.