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How hard work, training & patience pays off - Read how amazing runner Smita Kulkarni made a leap of progress with her fitness

Published : Jan 09, 2017 5 mins read Updated On : Jul 27, 2022
And now the last two weeks - tapering time!

2016 was a lesson for me. I started doing my first ever full marathon at SCMM after doing a couple half marathons there. Though the memory of finishing my first full will be special, the training (or rather overtraining), the pathetic time that I finished in, and the injuries (ITB, meniscus tear) that I ran with is something that Id rather forget. After that I took a break for a few days and ran a 10k for our Marathon on?31st January 2016?where I got the podium (After running 42k, a 10k feels quite easy). And then followed a good break for a month and half from running, and doing physiotherapy and strength training. I decided to join Radstrong coaching as I had made up my mind that I will do a full SCMM again in 2017 and run it well and strong (My family thought I had lost my brains when I told them). Kaustubh Radkar, being a doctor in sports medicine was just the right coach for me to go to. I needed somebody who would give me a good training plan taking in consideration the fact that I am prone to injuries. He started off very slowly with me. With just 5k easy runs, not much of speed or hill workouts. I remember feeling a bit frustrated initially as I, who had done so many long runs continuously while training for a full marathon and finished it as well was given a plan that would be given to a beginner!

The right training can change your run for the better!

I was strictly told not to not participate in any races till he thought I was ready to. All the more frustration. But then slowly he started increasing my mileage and the intensity of hill and speed workouts and by the time all the major races started coming up, like the Airtel Hyderabad Marathon, Satara Hill Marathon, I was ready. Even then, I was told not to race but just finish as my main goal was SCMM 2017 and he didn't want anything to go wrong till then.

So today, it's almost 10 months with Radstrong Coaching and 7 weeks with Fast&Up Prototal and boy, am I ready? Totally. The confidence levels I have today as compared to last year is something I feel truly happy about. I am confident of my training. This year I realized the importance of nutrition for running. Not that I never ate right, but it's helped that I have increased my protein intake. Added more seeds and nuts to my diet apart from lot of fruits and green vegetables. I hardly eat wheat (except for some hot parathas, can hardly resist those!) since the past 3 years now. I eat only brown rice (again, an exception is made for Biryani).

2017 only gets fitter, stronger & better

I have never been on a diet. I believe in eating everything in moderation and portion control. I have ghee everyday but just a teaspoon or two. There are days when I do overindulge as I am a foodie but then I just try to balance it out the next day.

After being introduced to Fast&Up Activate, Reload, Recover and Charge and trying it out for a month, I was hooked. These have been a great help in my recovery as well.

I have put on a couple of inches now, but it's always the case before SCMM. I guess it's got to do with all the long runs, the winter, season time and less of weight training. But it hasn't slowed me down so I am good. I know once I start my regular weight training, I will get back. That works the best for me to shed off those extra inches.

So my first taper run was'on Friday the 30th. We had decided to celebrate the New Year in a quiet way at my favorite hill station - Panchgani. So I had asked Kaustubh if I could finish my run on Friday itself. He not only said yes, but also offered to run with me!

Running with Ironman Dr.Kautubh Radkar

It was an absolute smooth easy run. I was surprised that throughout the run I could maintain a good pace while chatting with Kaustubh. Of course the pace I was doing was maybe like a walk for Ironman Kaustubh. I kept sipping on Fast&Up Reload throughout the run. After the run, one tablet each of Fast&Up Recover and Fast&Up Charge, ?some good stretches and I was home to drive down with my family and a couple of close friends to good old Panchgani which is about 100 kilometers from Pune.

The three days that I spent there were absolute bliss. We went for walks every day and brought in the New Year just the way I wanted to. Throughout this trip, I did not forget to take my Fast&Up Prototal and Charge every day.

A vacation in bliss and paradise ? only way to bring in the New Year

We got back on Monday and I was back all rejuvenated 'on Tuesday the 3rd?for a speed workout. I came home to do some yoga and then got down to finishing my orders and running a few errands.

Wednesday was gym day. I worked on my legs and back along with some jumping jacks, skipping in between sets. As next week I won't be doing any weight training and will be going easy with workouts. Felt really strong and awesome.

Thursday - After Wednesday's workout, I thought maybe my tempo run wouldn't go so well as I had done a pretty heavy WO but I surprised myself by doing it well and yes, I do not dread tempo runs like I used to. I do hope this feeling continues!

Because what is running without your buddies?

From tomorrow, it will be my last week of Fast&Up Prototal and tapering for the?15th Jan.??I leave for? Amchi Mumbai? - my birth place, on Friday the 13th.

Excitement in the air!
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