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How To Train For A Marathon

Published : May 18, 2020 3 mins read Updated On : Apr 20, 2023

Are you planning to run for the first time? Or you have been running before and want to run for fun? Whichever category you may fall into, the most important part is to be prepared. Running a marathon is definitely a huge achievement and a big task to tick over your life's checklist hence you would want it to be perfect.

Running a marathon is no rocket science, all you need to do is follow some basic steps and you are good to go. We mention below some of the basic yet important things to keep in mind while you train for your marathon. 

Fast&up How to train for a marathon

  • Pre-train

Before you enter the phase of your training program, it is advisable to get into some light running 8 to 10 weeks prior, this will help your body to get used to the conditions and adapt the surroundings which will help you for your training. You can increase your total weekly distance by 10% every week. 

  • Find a course

Finding a perfect running course is very important. So that you don't get a surprise on your race day. It is recommended to have a flat surface always. Adding hills in your course isn't necessary if it is your first marathon. 

  • Opt for a training program

There are numerous training programs available. Take a look in few of them and opt for one which you feel the most comfortable based on your current skills of running and your future goals. 

  • Nutrition

A very basic topic yet an important one. Nutrition is no alien when we talk about running a marathon. A proper meal including energy, fats, carbohydrates, proteins is a must. You should track your nutrition not later than 8 to 12 weeks of your main race day. However the earlier you start the better. Start to practice with various options in pre-run breakfasts, mid race nutrition and recovery and then look for what is best for you. 

  • Never overdo things

A crucial thing when it comes to running. For any other sport, the more practice is better, the more intense practice the better. However for running you need to make sure that you are not going too fast. Mild workouts prior to your run is more than sufficient. Intense training can only lead to injury.

  • Focus on gaining strength

Cross training will give your body with endurance and intensity, both highly required for running a marathon. Do speed work “ running faster for a while then going back to a slower pace “ to improve your time. Try high intensity interval training plans such as Tabata to get faster and fitter.

  • Think positive

Your training and workouts won't make any sense if you aren't mentally prepared. You need to make sure that you are completely stress free and full of positive mentally which will only help you to give your best during your main day. Focus on gathering positive mental energy, meditation is the perfect thing to do.

Fast&up Instant Hydration & Energy Drinks

  • Race day

One or two days prior to your race day, start leading carbs in your body through foods like rice bananas, pasta and potatoes. On the main race day, fill your body with carbs but don't completely stuff yourself.

It is also advisable to not drink lots of plain water. Drinking an enormous amount of water during the race can lead to cramps. Gels are the most efficient and effective way of getting carbohydrates quickly into the system during the run. Take small sips of gel and look to take one every 30-40 minutes or so during the course of your long run.

  • Hydrate 

A crucial factor for every runner out there. Hydrate as much as you can. Merely drinking water isn't called hydration. Hydration is getting sufficient electrolytes and essential salts and minerals to give you instant energy and keep you hydrated.

Fast&Up Reload is an effervescent electrolyte based supplement which comprises of electrolytes, essential minerals, salts and antioxidants which provides you instant energy and hydration. It helps prevent muscle cramps.

Dipesh Sharma
Dipesh Sharma
Sports and Fitness

Dipesh Sharma is a sports freak, who loves All things Sports who loves to play cricket, badminton. He has been covering topics related to sporting events, news, sports nutrition. Apart from... Read More

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