Running is all about winning a mental battle, getting out of bed and then going on a war against yourself. At times you even wonder on why you are running at the first place. Sometimes it's easy, while sometimes you struggle. Running a marathon is just like life where you can't always wait until you're ready, you just have to go for it. Running helps you to learn lessons for life. Here are a few simple spurs which will help you motivate for your next run. When your legs can't run anymore, run with your heart!
Your success is found in your daily routine
Train the quit out of you!
When you run, you work On Yourself, By Yourself, For Yourself!
Warm Up, Get Ready!
It's all in your head! Life is not about waiting for storm to pass, it's about learning to RUN IN THE RAIN! It's a RUNderful Life!
WE are all in for the LONG RUN!