Low electrolytes after a workout, cause an imbalance of physical functions. This may result in symptoms like muscle fatigue, dizziness, and nausea. The right food or sports drink can get those lost electrolytes back into the body. Factors like exercise intensity, weather, and individual differences in sweating play an important role in determining when to eat or drink and how much to eat or drink.
Minerals that break into small, electrically charged particles called ions when they dissolve in water are known as electrolytes.
These are found in blood and cells and are very important for physical activity as they regulate bodily fluids. The most well-known are Sodium and chloride, which maintain normal blood pressure and support muscle and nerve function. There are a few more as calcium, which aids muscle contraction; magnesium, which aids healthy cell function; and potassium and phosphate, which help to regulate energy and pH balance.
The electrolyte balance of the body can begin to shift during a workout/exercise. The imbalance caused by to loss of electrolytes through sweat from the body can result in symptoms like muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, and mental confusion. If the body is not supplied with external electrolytes or the supply is low, muscles may continue to feel weak after a workout and also during the next workout session. There are a few long-term risks like kidney failure, seizures, and disturbances in heart rhythm- which is a very high price to pay for skipping a few sips.It is a very crucial and essential part of any exercise routine to the best rehydration drink. Water is lost faster by the body than it loses electrolytes, so it may not be necessary to replace minerals during workouts that last less than an hour. However, it is important to replenish the lost minerals during intense and prolonged workouts.
Electrolytes can be replenished by several food and drinks. The most common way to restore the balance is swigging on a sports drink, or even milk. Take care about the drinks with too much sugar, which can add unnecessary calories. You should look for drinks that have 4-9% carbohydrates per 8 ounces, and 120 to 170 mg sodium.
FAST&UP RELOAD offers a good supply of electrolytes and minimal sugar, too.
FAST&UP RELOAD is an ideal choice for HYDRATION with the right combination of Electrolytes, Antioxidants, and Carbohydrates thereby providing the essential electrolytes that help rehydrate the body and maintain water balance!!