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WADA Compliant Protein Supplements: Everything You Need to Know

Published : Mar 04, 2021 3 mins read Updated On : Mar 18, 2024

Do what is Right and not what is Easy:

WADA Compliant Protein Supplement

You play to Win. Winning is the ultimate aim of any Sportsman. However, when a sportsman forgets that participation and true sportsmanship is something that should drive him towards success then he may opt for means to win which are not advisable. In the quest to become better than others; sports people train, practice, and take supplements to ensure they get the best nutrition. But sometimes, improper direction and negligence may lead to paths that are not safe and land them in serious trouble.

Using Protein Supplements is not new in the field of sports to enhance performance and many athletes use them. However, you need to make sure that your protein supplement is safe and dope-free in order to not violate any rules and regulations laid down by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) to ensure that it is safe from any violation.

What is WADA? What does it do?

WADA or The World Anti-Doping Agency is an international independent agency established in 1999. It was created with a mission to have a safe and doping-free sporting environment. It is an independent agency created to promote, coordinate, and monitor the fight against doping in sports around the world. The main aim is to make sure that Athletes don't take any substance that is unsafe for them and for the sport that they play and subsequently punish those who are found guilty of violating the rules and regulations.

Did you know?

WADA doesn't grant any certification of Safety to any Supplements, it only makes a list of WADA-prohibited substances.
One may have a doubt here that if WADA doesn't give any certification then how to know if the supplements that you are taking are safe and free from banned substances? The answer to this question is Informed-Sport Certification.

What is informed sport? What does it certify?

Informed-Sport is a worldwide testing and certification program for sports and nutritional supplements. In addition to this, they regularly review product and manufacturing facilities to ensure the requirements are met post-certification.

Informed-Sport tests supplement against WADA-prohibited substances and also tests on those substances prohibited by other sporting bodies. Every batch of supplements is tested in addition to regular blind testing to ensure product integrity.

How is Informed-Sport different from Informed Choice?

WADA Compliant Protein Supplement

What does it mean when any supplement has an Informed-Sport Logo?

Informed-Sport Logo on any supplements means that the product is tested and certified which gives assurance to a sportsperson or anyone using the product that the supplement is regularly tested against prohibited and banned substances. This certifies that the product has gone through rigorous tests of over 220 substances that are considered banned. To know more one can visit the official website of Informed Sport.

Which Indian Protein Supplement is Informed-Sport Certified?

Fast&Up has got Protein Supplement that is Informed Sports Certified. Every batch of Fast&Up Terra Plant Protein Isolate is tested for banned substances under Informed Sport. Protein is a key element as it is regarded as the building block of life. Fast&Up Plant Protein is a high-quality supplement with an effective combination of Pea and Brown Rice to provide 30g Protein added to 5.8g BCAA and 5.5g Glutamine for muscle building, recovery, and general well-being. It has added Vegan MCTs and Beetroot extract for energy and comes in two delicious flavors “ Ghana Chocolate and Mango.

WADA Compliant Protein Supplement

Fast&Up Terra Plant Protein Isolate “ Packed with Plant Power for Muscle Building and Repair.

  • Scientifically formulated with a blend of premium quality plant protein sourced from Yellow Peas and Brown Rice.
    100% Vegan
  • Complete Amino Acid Profile + Maximum Absorption
  • Boosts energy, and metabolism, promotes fat loss, and helps in muscle building
  • For athletes, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and normal people who want to live an active lifestyle.

Fast&Up Terra Plant Protein Isolate is a premium quality Supplement that is Informed-Sport Certified and WADA Compliant.

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