Glutamine may be a mystery to many people who are yet to discover that it is one of the most copious amino acid present in our body. We bet you did not know that glutamine comprises of more than 70% of the amino acids found in your muscle cells and it is released into your blood stream during physical exertion and stress.
Normally, the human body is able to produce this essential amino acid to meet its metabolic processes, as it is present in most of the animal based and high protein food that you consume. L-glutamine is abundant in food sources such as fish, chicken, beef, pork, eggs, beets, cabbage, spinach, barley, and peanuts. However, athletes who indulge in physical activities require more of this essential amino acid.
The essentiality of glutamine is even more enhanced when you try to work out rigorously while you are unwell as there is a sudden depletion in this amino acid. This explains the reason athletes supplement glutamine as it improves the functions of the immune system and prevents excessive breakdown of your muscles.
The immune system of the body uses L-glutamine during intense physical workout and endurance exercises such as marathons, ultra distance events, and so forth. Studies reveal that impaired functions of the immune system and oxidative stress are often linked to deficiency of glutamine in athletes. For this reason, marathon runners and athletes must supplement glutamine as it helps to enhance sports performance by reducing fatigue.
Fast&Up glutamine is an Indian origin product that increases strength and stamina during intense workout sessions. Marathon runners and athletes who train rigorously are susceptible to falling ill for several days after a competition due to depleted levels of glutamine. This explains why it is crucial to supplement with sports nutrition that contains glutamine as it supplies the body with all the essential nutrients and boosts your energy levels.
How Does Glutamine Improve Your Performance?
Unlike body builders, marathon runners experience muscle breakdown weeks and months after the race, which tends to make them sick or worn out. It also explains the reason athletes are more prone to injuries in comparison to the others. However, this can be prevented through glutamine supplementation as it helps to reduce the level of muscle loss. This essential amino acid promotes recovery after different types of endurance activities and therefore improves your performance.
Glutamine has the unique capability to absorb salt and water into the muscle cells. Did you realize that a hydrated muscle is a healthy muscle? This essential amino acid has immunostimulatory effects, which means that it can assist your immune system to function optimally and even enhance its functions whenever necessary. In another way, it reduces episodes of illnesses after an endurance activity, which is common among athletes who are deficient in glutamine.
One of the major reasons you need glutamine is for its muscle repairing ability. It also possesses the unique ability to restore the functions of your digestive system and reduces bloating. Glutamine is often one of the main contents in most of the sports nutrition products as it helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, digestive disorders and Celiac disease.
Well, that is a relevant question if you are an endurance athlete. Glutamine is vital for anyone who undergoes intense and frequent training. According to nutritional experts, the glutamine level in your blood reduces significantly after intense training and endurance activities. The body reaches a stage where it is deficient in glutamine and it requires more than it is able to produce through the diet. This stage is called glutamine depletion. During this stage, the muscle tissues are broken down to supply energy to the rest of the body, particularly the immune system.
If your glutamine levels are low, and you are training for size and muscles, it can lead to depletion of energy and fatigue. Glutamine levels do increase naturally with proper diet but it will take some time. The best way to replenish your glutamine level is to supplement it with Fast&Up Glutamine which reduces recovery time and functions as an anti fatigue supplementation.
t helps your muscles to repair itself after an endurance activity so that you can prepare quickly for the next session. Fast and Up glutamine helps to retain muscles and prevent injuries, which is common among athletes with low glutamine levels. It also helps to prevent dehydration, one of the major causes of fatigue and tiredness.
The best time to supplement glutamine is after workout or endurance activities as this is exactly the time when your glutamine levels are low. However, you can supplement it in the morning or before bed too depending on your digestive tolerance.
For athletes and those who train intensively, 10-15 gms of glutamine per day would be a sufficient quantity. No matter what, it is important for you to consume 5gms post workout to fight fatigue and improve your performance. You can consume it with water or shakes after intense workout.