Most people wonder why use energy gels when you can just stick to sports drinks and energy bars. Well, there are plenty of reasons athletes and runners in particular use energy gels. Before we move into those reasons, let us first peek at energy gels and its beneficial effects on your body.
This is exactly when you should consume energy gels as it contains carbohydrates in the form of simple sugar, which can be easily processed by the body to be used as a source of energy. Sugar, which is present in the energy gel, is absorbed by the body and converted into glucose, which instantly spikes your energy level. Fast&Up Energy gel, one of India's favorite instant energy drinks is the perfect mixture of maltodextrin and caffeine, made specifically for any kind of endurance activities.
It is easily digestible as it contains complex carbohydrates such as maltodextrin, which is tasty and hardly causes any digestive issues. Maltodextrin has quick absorption powers, which is great for athletes who require instant energy. Fast and Up energy gel also contains caffeine which enlarges your blood vessels and pumps energy into your body and mind. It helps you to stay focused and motivated throughout the race.
As you run, your body diverts blood from the digestive system to your legs. This slows down the digestive system, which is the reason why most athletes choose to take energy gels early so that the stomach gets time to process the sugar adequately. Experts suggest that you take the gel in between 45-60 minutes so that there is no chance of excessive sugar consumption all at once. However, runners with a sensitive stomach must choose a 60-minute mark before taking the next dose of energy gel.
Consistent intake of energy gels can do more harm than good as it pumps your blood stream with sugar until the body absorbs it. Nevertheless, you can condition your digestive system to digest the gel effectively by consuming it while you train for marathon. It is necessary to have a well-planned fueling strategy while training to avoid digestive problems, cramps and other similar issues.
There is not even an iota of doubt whether energy gels benefit marathon runners and other athletes or not. But it is not to every athlete's taste. Energy gels vary from one another in taste and consistency, which is why you need to experiment with different kinds of gels while you train. The consistency varies from thick to thin with a strong flavor. Some flavor can be delicious such as the Fast&Up energy gel, which is available in two flavors mainly strawberry and chocolate. You can choose the best flavor and consistency by experimenting with these gels.
One of the most important things to remember when you use an energy gel is that you need to train with them first before you consume them on the race day. As you run a marathon or a race, your body sends blood to your muscles and legs, thereby reducing the flow of blood to the digestive track system. This slows down the process of digestion, which explains why some athletes throw up gel or other energy drinks in between the race or late into it.
The lack of blood in the digestive track makes it difficult for the system to digest liquid or food, resulting in throwing it out of the system. Energy gels are essential when you undergo endurance activities as it keeps you energized throughout the race. The trick lies in finding the right combination of fluids and gels and conditioning the stomach to digest the sugar for that much-needed extra energy!